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Unemployment down in Watford

 Published on: 20th October 2017   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

Figures released today from the Office of National Statistics show that youth unemployment and adult unemployment in Watford has plummeted since May 2010. Youth unemployment figures are based on 18-24 year olds who are claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance, which for Watford in May 2010 was 490 people, and this month is down to 255 people. Adult unemployment has also seen a dramatic fall, with the amount of people out of work in Watford today confirmed as 1,337, compared with 2,106 people in May 2010. This follows steady falls in unemployment locally in recent months. This mirrors similar falls in unemployment nationally, with unemployment having fallen to its lowest level in nearly six years. Watford MP Richard Harrington added: “This is very welcome news but there is still a long way to go. Yes, almost half the amount of young people out of work in Watford compared to 4 years ago is a great achievement, but that figure of 255 which is left is not just a number but a bulk of people who we must now help to move into work. “The best way to do this of course is to continue to ensure job creation, and this is a top priority of mine locally as well as the Government’s nationally. Local schools are also doing more to help pupils move into employment or further education which we must continue to build on, and combining this with the work of Watford Jobcentre Plus and local initiatives such as my annual Jobs Fairs do seem to be making a real difference.”

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