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NO THANKS: Concerns raised over proposed 5G mast’s effects on wildlife in Northwood

 Published on: 21st May 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Several residents have expressed concern that the installation of a new 5G antenna in Northwood could negatively affect a nearby nature reserve.

Plans have been submitted to install the 17.5-metre pole, as well several antennas and receivers, on a grass verge on the eastern side of Northwood Way.

However, this patch of land is next to the Hog’s Back Open Space, a local green space that also provides a safe haven for animals.

This has prompted some concern from residents about whether or not the mast’s installation could have a detrimental effect on local wildlife.

One resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “We have many species of birds nesting in this space; owls, sparrowhawks and cuckoos. We also have other wildlife such as bats, badgers, deer, and a species of moth that only lives in the Hog’s Back.

“This point alone should not allow such a mast to be even considered for an application.”

The decision on the application is expected in the coming weeks.

Cornerstone, the company behind the proposal, have been contacted for comment.

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