A hedgehog named LeBron has made himself at home in a hedgehog hut made by The Repair Shed in Berkhamsted.
A customer reached out to The Repair Shed to say that she had bought a hedgehog house from their store for her boyfriend.
Only two days later, a hedgehog became trapped in the netting protecting roses on the customer’s driveway. She successfully rescued the creature and took him to the vet for a check-up.
As the netting was made from basketball nets, the customer aptly named the hedgehog LeBron after the US basketball legend LeBron James.
Since bringing the hedgehog home to the hut, LeBron has been coming back every night to enjoy some food and chill out.
The customer said: “It’s the best present I’ve ever bought!”
The Repair Shed is a community of people who spend time mending items that would otherwise go to landfill, working on community projects, and making their own creations from recyclable materials.
To find out more, please visit The Repair Shop website at www.shorturl.at/l1sVy