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HORNET HEROES: Trio of Watford FC fans take on tough 100km charity challenge

 Published on: 9th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A trio of lifelong Watford FC fans have completed a gruelling 100km ‘plod’ to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK.

On Saturday, May 25, Martin Brown, Kirk Moon and David Brown, along with David’s daughter, Zoe, took part in a 100km walk in a venture they call ‘Old Sods on a Plod’.

The challenge, which saw the group walk from London to Brighton, even featured in Watford FC’s matchday programme on April 27.

After nearly 30 hours of blood, sweat and tears, their hard work has paid off. They smashed their initial target, raising £3,471 in total.

Posting on social media, David said: “So we did it and it is starting to sink in what we have achieved.

“We walked 100km in 29.5 hours continuously. Step count: 92,363 on Saturday and 81,315 on Sunday – 173,678 in total. Not many today, I can tell you.

“Calories burnt: Saturday, 4,689; Sunday, 4,112 – 8,801 in total. May eat that amount today to make up for the loss.

“This will be my last post on the subject, I promise. I want to thank everyone for their support, donations and help in raising awareness for Prostate Cancer UK, especially Andrea Brown who was our support vehicle on the day; none of us would have made it without you.”

Photo credit: David Brown

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