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HELPING HAND: Bushey resident’s new book aims to support people with their mental health

 Published on: 20th June 2023   |   By: Holly Bullen   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Bushey resident has released his first book detailing his mental health journey in a bid to help others.

Mike Davis released his book, Mental Health, M.E. and Me, with the hope of raising awareness of mental health, after his own bipolar and chronic fatigue diagnoses.

Prior to receiving his diagnoses, Mike had served in the Navy and worked as a personal trainer before taking time off for his mental health.

Speaking to BusheyNews, Mike said he hopes his book can support others through their own mental health journey.

He said: “I wanted to help people, so my main reason for writing the book was to get people talking about mental health.

“I never got on with counselling; it was therapy for me to get it all down paper and prove to people that you can succeed.”

To buy the book, search ‘Mental Health, M.E and Me’ on Amazon.

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