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‘HARD SLOG’: Beloved Pinner flower shop closes after more than 50 years of service

 Published on: 27th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A family-run florist in Pinner has closed more than half a century after it first opened its doors.

Edwin and Beryl Mansi first planted the Mansi Florist seed in Pinner Green in 1973, when it was originally named The Bell Florist. The business went on to spread its roots elsewhere, with garden centres in Pinner, Ruislip and Surrey.

Since then, it has been passed down to Nick Mansi, who has helped to grow the business into the iconic shop it is today.

Speaking to PINNERnews, Nick said: “I was 11 when I first started helping out. After college, I came back full-time, and have now worked there for 44 years!”

Reflecting on the last four decades, Nick said: “It’s been a hard slog. My dad retired when I was about 21, and that was when I started taking over. It also marked the year that Marks & Spencer started selling flowers, and fewer people shopped independently.

“What I’ll miss is the sense of community, seeing the customers, and having fun with the flowers.”

Nick has decided to take a well-earned break from horticulture, before starting his new journey elsewhere.

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1 Comment

  1. Janie norton July 15th, 2024, 2:17 pm

    Hi Nick …
    This is Janie Norton … a voice from your padt … 1988ish … when your dad hired me (crazy 50 year old woman in Leviies from the US!) to work parttime with you … Such fun memories! Check in when you can … I would love to know how your mom and your sister are doing .., You are married with grown kids? We ljve in Annapolis, Maryland … with a friend’s B&B across the street that welcomes lots of European/UK travellers!!
    Come knock on our door anytime!!

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