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FOR CHARLIE: Hemel Hempstead Town Youth football club raises funds for charity in player’s memory

 Published on: 27th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Hemel Hempstead Town Youth (HHTY) FC have raised money for a charity close to their hearts, in memory of one of their late former players.

Over the weekend of June 8 and 9, HHTY FC held their presentation weekend and handed out more than 1,000 trophies at their home ground, The Focus Arena.

On top of celebrating the club’s fantastic achievements over the most recent season, the HHTY FC community also raised money for local charity Charlie’s Gift.

Charlie Fidler was born on November 27, 2001, and lived with a serious allergy and asthma. Despite this, Charlie continued to throw himself into enjoying life, particularly football and playing for HHTYFC.

Charlie passed away from anaphylactic shock on June 5, 2010, at the age of eight. His parents set up Charlie’s Gift to raise money for Anaphylaxis UK, which supports those affected by serious allergies.

In a post on social media, a spokesperson for Charlie’s Gift said: “Enormous thanks go to the wonderful families and the committee of HHTY FC, who donated a fabulous £659.25 to our charity, Charlie’s Gift, at their trophy presentation days last weekend. The donation will make a huge difference to the disadvantaged children we support locally.

“Charlie was a player for HHTY FC Reds Under 8s and he absolutely adored playing for the club. It is so touching that the club still continue to remember our little football star all these years on in such a special way. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, HHTY FC!”

To find out more about Charlie’s Gift, please visit

Photo credit: Charlie’s Gift

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