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FUNDRAISING FANATIC: Good Samaritan from Amersham takes on bike ride in grandmother’s memory

 Published on: 15th May 2024   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

Amersham’s resident fundraising maverick is back at it again with a new and exciting challenge.

In recent years, Tom Harrison (pictured left) has made a name for himself with unusual fundraisers. In 2022, Tom embarked on a 263-mile walk from Land’s End in Cornwall to London with no money whatsoever in solidarity with Ukrainians after the outbreak of war with Russia.

The following year, Tom walked the London Marathon backwards, finishing in last place but raising thousands for the British Red Cross.

Tom’s latest endeavour is to partake in Ride for London on Sunday, May 26, a gruelling 100-mile cycle through the streets of the capital, using an old steel bike usually parked outside Mayo Brothers butchers.

With thanks to longtime butcher Rob for lending use of the bike, Tom is geared up and ready for the challenge. He spoke with AMERSHAMnews about why he decided to take on this latest challenge, his ongoing support for the British Red Cross, and the importance of being “different”.

He said: “This time, I’ll be fundraising for the Red Cross again, but I’ll also be doing it in memory of my grandmother, who passed away at the age of 100 last year.

“She was a big supporter of the charity, and of me. Some people in life really connect with you, and the enthusiasm and interest she always showed in me and my siblings meant so much.

“The bike’s only got one gear so it should it be interesting. I’m still trying to work out what to put in the wicker basket in the front – maybe sweets I can throw to the crowd?

“I like to make it difficult and different; sometimes in life, being different is difficult. I’ve always done everything in life a bit differently, but at this point I’m beyond caring.

“I may well be honourably last, but it doesn’t matter; it’s just finishing and taking part that counts.”

Support Tom’s fundraiser at

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