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CLIMATE CHILDREN: Croxley schools unite to take part in first regional Eco Forum

 Published on: 25th December 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Croxley school recently launched its first ever Eco Forum Training Day, a day of environmental workshops for pupils across the area that they hope will become an annual event.

Organised by Litle Green Junior School, hosted by York House, and coordinated by staff at Croxley Danes, the event saw several schools from across the area come together to find out about and discuss what they could do to help save the environment.

Workshops were organised by people from various organisations, including Three Rivers District Council, who spoke about sustainable clothing, Cassiobury Park, who spoke about animal conservation, Herts Catering, who spoke about food waste, and many more.

Representatives from the schools also gave their own talks, such as Anay, the Youth Ambassador for Ol Pejeta Conservancy from York House School, who gave a talk about the protection of white rhinos.

Following the day, the schools which took part have begun to draw up their own individual action plans outlining what they will be doing in the future to make sure the school is more eco-friendly.

To find out more about the event, what went on and view the various action plans, visit

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