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 Published on: 27th January 2014   |   By: The Newsdesk   |   Category:

The mother of a strangled 11-year-old has said she has been left “destroyed and devastated” by her daughter’s death. Mary Thompson, of Homefield Road, Bushey, returned home on June 22 to find 11-year-old daughter Rebecca dead. St Albans Crown Court heard that father Simon Thompson, 52, strangled Rebecca with the cord from her dressing gown after the pair had spent the previous day at London Zoo. He was today found guilty of manslaughter and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. Mrs Thompson has revealed her sorrow over her daughter’s death, stating that her life is “full of pain, sadness and heartbreak”. She said: “Rebecca and I were so very close and enjoyed a wonderful relationship. Her father killed her in such cruel circumstances leaving me to find her dead – this has left me totally destroyed and devastated.  Rebecca was such a loving and caring child who adored animals and being with people.  I miss her so much, my life has become so empty without her.” She added: “I had made plans for a new life with Rebecca but we had no chance to give that a try. It seems her controlling and manipulative bully of a father could not stand the thought of us moving on and being happy.  Now I face a life-time of loneliness and only memories without my darling girl. The grief that fills me is hard to explain, it is like I have been forced to step out of one life into another which is full of pain, sadness and heartbreak. “Like many young girls Rebecca liked fashion and music but now we will never go shopping together again or meet up with local friends for a coffee and a chat. I have no feeling towards my ex-husband and regard him with the contempt that he deserves.” Detective Inspector John Arthur, who led the investigation into Rebecca’s tragic death, added: “Simon Thompson has been professionally identified as a man who had psychiatric issues at the time. However his actions last summer were callous when he killed his daughter, his only child, leaving her mother distraught.   “There are no words of comfort in cases such as these, Rebecca had her whole life ahead of her and her chance for a future has been taken away by someone who was supposed to keep her safe and protect her from the dangers in this world,” he added.   “On behalf of my team can I thank Rebecca’s mother and friends for the dignity and courage they have shown during what has been a very difficult time for them and hope that with time they can rebuild their lives.”  

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