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BOOKS WANTED: Pinner community library in need of book donations to stay open

 Published on: 13th May 2023   |   By: Megan Milstead   |   Category: Uncategorized

The Pinner & Eastcote Bookhub is appealing for donations in order to stay open.

The community library is run from an upcycled telephone box and was set up by Pinner resident Miriam Gordon-Linton on her driveway in 2020.

The book hub is well-loved across the community, with people travelling from as far as Paris to visit it. However, Miriam recently noticed that the library was running low on books, particularly children’s board books and adult hardbacks.

She said: “There’s something very special and magical about it. People come here and smile; sometimes we have a chat and it might be the only chat they have that day.

“The other day, we had a gentleman come in who was looking for an important book. When I brought it out to him, he was so happy and overwhelmed as the story was written about his uncle.

“People love it here; they can come whenever they want and take 10 books per person. We stock fiction, autobiographies, biographies and fact books for children.

“If people stop giving, then we don’t have a library.”

In lockdown, Miriam and her daughter left a box of books outside their house for people on their daily walks to enjoy. They soon realised that people were leaving books as well as taking them, and queuing down the street to browse the books available because the libraries were shut.

In the summer, someone stole all of the books and Miriam was close to shutting the library down. However, the community came together to raise £1,500 and urged her to keep it open. With the money, they bought the telephone box and converted it into a book hub.

The book hub is located at 11 Eastern Avenue, Pinner. To find out more, visit

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