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120,000: Town turns purple as thousands of crocuses planted

 Published on: 8th June 2024   |   By: Darius Morgan   |   Category: Uncategorized

Have you ever wondered why Amersham is so full of purple crocuses?

Starting back in 2010 and taking place every year since, the familiar sight is the result of a collaboration between Amersham in Bloom, Rotary in Amersham and a number of local schools.

Last month, it was announced that the number of crocuses planted across Amersham has now exceeded 120,000.

The purple crocus is a symbol of the Purple4Polio campaign run by Rotary throughout the world, which aims to help to eradicate polio. As well as adding splashes of colour, it is hoped that the crocuses will raise awareness of the campaign.

To find out more, visit

Photo Credit: Amersham in Bloom 

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