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WISE WORDS: Pinner-born author shares book on the healing power of reading

 Published on: 3rd April 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

Pinner-born author Bijal Shah has released a new book about the power of reading.

Bibliotherapy: The Healing Power of Reading explores the history of therapeutic reading to help people cope with grief, relationship trouble, illness and other issues. The book details a variety of bibliotherapy techniques, from literary journaling to narrative therapy, which readers can use at home.

Bijal told Pinnernews: “Bibliotherapy is very tailored to clients. I ask questions about what they want to get out of our sessions, what are the life issues they’re grappling with, what genres they like to read, how much time they have to read, and what reading mediums they prefer such as paperback, Kindle, or audiobooks.

“This allows me to curate a personalised reading list for them, a set of seven to 10 book suggestions to choose from that we’ll use in our sessions, or which they can use at home alongside a set of bibliotherapy tools and techniques that I’ll suggest.”

The book explores what bibliotherapy is, how a session with Bijal works, a variety of bibliotherapy techniques, and how to curate your own reading list, as well as an A-Z list of book recommendations arranged by universal mental health themes.

Bijal continued: “The people I work with tell me bibliotherapy is relieving, cathartic, and incredibly validating, particularly when reading about a character struggling with a similar issue to theirs”

The book is available at all good bookshops. To find out more, email

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