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UKE GOT THIS! Ukulele group raises thousands with Pink Floyd tribute show

 Published on: 24th February 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A St Albans ukulele group has raised £2,000 for the mental health charity Mind in Mid Herts through two sell-out concerts.

Ver Players held the performances of Dark Side of the Uke at the Roman Theatre of St Albans and St Leonard’s Church in Flamstead. As well as raising funds for charity, the concerts celebrated 50 years of Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon.

Stephen Wragg, who runs Ver Players said: “It’s so wonderful that we’re able to raise money and make a difference while doing something we love so much.

“With Pink Floyd’s focus on themes of mental health and anxiety, it made sense to partner with Mind in Mid Herts, who do such wonderful work.”

Emma Fullerton-Frost, the charity’s fundraising and communications officer, said: “The money raised by the Ver Players is vital for ensuring that we can continue to provide local services for local people.”

Next up for the Ver Players is a Beatles-themed show called Love is All, Love is Uke at the Roman Theatre on Sunday, June 23.

Find out more at

Photo credit: Ver Players

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