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TERRIFIC TREES: Community group plants trees around Pinner to benefit future generations

 Published on: 5th June 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

The Friends of Roxbourne Park (FoRP) have planted trees around Pinner and beyond in recent weeks.

Four disease-resistant elm saplings were donated by Elms4London and volunteers planted them in the park in February. Last month, five various species of native tree were planted near the children’s playground in Roxbourne Park as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy tree planting initiative.

Speaking to Pinnernews, FoRP secretary Gerry Bloomfield said: “We started collecting back in 2022 but missed the planting season last year, so this became a memorial to Queen Elizabeth’s reign as well as to others lost in the meantime.”

Donations came from the Pinner Association, members of the community and FoRP to cover the costs. Harrow Council provided the trees under the Trees for Streets initiative.

Gerry continued: “Past mayors of Harrow and councillors Jean Lammiman and Krishna Suresh braved the inclement weather to ceremonially plant the trees. As Jean said, we hope that future generations will benefit from the generosity of the Friends and local communities for years to come!”

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