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TERRIFIC TRAINS: Chairman of model engineering society interviewed by BBC

 Published on: 6th May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

This month, Pinner News spoke to Vic Burgess, chairman of the Society of Harrow & Wembley Model Engineers (known as HWSME) about his recent national interview.

HWSME was formed in 1936 and began with an invitation issued by Percival Marshall, the editor of the Model Engineer and Practical Electrician journal, for others interested in trains to form the society.

Now based in Roxbourne Park, HWSME has grown into a space for train enthusiasts to explore their shared love of locomotives.

Vic, who is the chairman and oldest member of HWSME, having joined in 1956 aged just 18, was interviewed by the BBC in February this year.

Vic said: “I was rather surprised to receive an email from BBC Radio London, who were running a series covering interests in London boroughs including Harrow. Anna, the lady involved, was interested in the Roxbourne miniature railway that is run by the society.

“On a very wet Wednesday, my wife and I arrived at the club with a few of the members at 8am and Anna arrived to tell me that we were on in 20 minutes. The interview went well, but I was then told that they were waiting for the cameraman!

“The film taken outside on the train was done in pouring rain and we were all absolutely soaked! My talk was very much off the cuff, but all the members of the club assured me that it was good.”

Now celebrating 50 years in Pinner, the society runs passenger services every Sunday afternoon throughout the summer months. To find out more about HWSME, head to

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