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SUPERSTAR: Youth football coach achieves dream of winning boxing title

 Published on: 8th March 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A talented boxer was on the sidelines coaching his Hatch End-based Sunday League team just hours after winning a British title.

Watford-based boxer Reece ‘Bomber’ Bellotti overpowered Liam Dillon on February 10, securing his dream of winning the British Super-Featherweight title by unanimous decision and taking his win total up to 18.

Just hours later, Reece was on the touchline at the John Rumney Playing Fields in Hatch End, ready for a 9am kick-off with the Parkfield Youth FC U7 side, which he coaches voluntarily every Sunday.

Speaking to Pinnernews, chairman of Parkfield Youth FC Ali Jobe said: “He’s wanted the opportunity to get the belt for so long! He’s pretty good at what he does here, and it’s good of him to give up his time to train the kids.”

Reece made sure to bring his new belt to the match, which Ali says the players were thrilled about.

He said: “The kids loved it and wanted a chance with the belt.

“Funny thing is, his son who plays for the U7 side told him ‘I think you’re gonna lose!’ and Reece said ‘No I won’t, I’m bringing back that belt’, and he did!”

Photo credit: Ali Jobe

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