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STREET TAG: Stanmore school wins competition to be named most active in London

 Published on: 16th May 2023   |   By: Holly Bullen   |   Category: Uncategorized

A school in Stanmore is celebrating after being crowned the most active school in London.

Aylward Primary School (APS) won the latest season of Street Tag, a free app which converts students’ daily exercise into points.

Street Tag encourages schools across London to take part in the friendly competition with the aim of promoting an active lifestyle.

APS earned 15.45 million points and won the Harrow borough competition as well as the Street Tag London School Games.

Miss Lopes, APS Year 1 teacher and PE leader, signed the school up to the competition, with pupils, families and staff joining in to help rack up the points.

Mr Westall, headteacher at APS, said: “It was very close at the top of the leaderboard during the last few days; the final push made all the difference, securing the double win.

“A big thank you to all the families that got involved and contributed to those final points.”

As the winners of the competition, APS will receive £500 worth of sports equipment vouchers.

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