A group of Berkhamsted residents has been campaigning to improve the accessibility of electric vehicle (EV) charging points across Dacorum.
Members of Transition Town Berkhamsted, a group helping the local community reduce their carbon footprint, have been lobbying Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) to address the lack of charging points in the area.
One member of the group, Emma Sherrington, said that while charging points have been introduced at the Lower Kings Road multi-storey car park, at only 7kw they are not quick enough.
She said: “Dacorum is falling significantly behind other areas. The council is dragging its feet and we are stuck with pod points that are totally unreliable.”
A DBC spokesperson said: “We have developed a comprehensive Electric Vehicle Strategy, which will be considered by our Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on October 12.”
A Hertfordshire County Council spokesperson said: “The provision of rapid charging within Berkhamsted is dependent on a number of factors, such as the level of demand, use case, and location. Rapid charging, for example, wouldn’t generally be installed in on-street residential areas where cars are parked overnight. However, for destination charging (such as shops, leisure centres etc), rapid charging may be more appropriate.
“While our aim primarily is to take advantage of the many opportunities for increasing off-street provision, we understand that on-street charging may also be required. As such we have been working with district and borough councils to develop a set of on-street charging guidelines. A copy of these guidelines can be viewed at democracy.hertfordshire.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=382&MId=4832&Ver=4
“We will continue to work with local district and borough councils, including Dacorum, to support the rollout of off-street charging and, where appropriate, on-street charging as well.”