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PLANS PROCEED: New caravan site approved in Kings Langley despite residents’ objections

 Published on: 5th July 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Following a recommendation by Three Rivers District Council (TRDC), planning permission has been granted for a new caravan park on land in Kings Langley.

The land on Toms Lane will soon be transformed into a site able to accommodate up to 10 caravans at a time, alongside an amenities building.

It is adjacent to another site where the applicant currently lives, and his extended family will live on the new plot once work is completed.

This is despite some local opposition, with a group calling themselves the Toms Lane Action Group writing an objection to the proposals. The group even spoke out against the plans at a meeting of TRDC’s Planning Committee on Thursday, May 23.

However, the plans were recommended for approval at the meeting. The proposals had been brought to the attention of the committee by three members concerned over the green belt and to make sure the application complied with the council’s traveller policy.

The application recevied full approval on May 29, subject to some minor conditions.

TRDC has been contacted for comment.

Photo Credit: TRDC

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