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GO GREEN: Community café hosts events for Watford’s national environmental week

 Published on: 5th July 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

Random Café in Garston recently took part in Watford’s Great Big Green Week celebrations.

Great Big Green Week is a nationwide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Taking place from June 8 to 16, the week seeks to boost action on environmental issues and promote community groups with a green focus.

Across nine days, venues across Garston and Watford hosted film showings, gardening clubs, compost clubs, conservation groups, clothes swaps and more. Groups such as the RSPB, Spokes Cycling Group and the Friends of Cassiobury Park were all involved in the week.

Random Café in Garston hosted a series of events, including a Green Day Out on Saturday, June 8. There was a treasure trail, stalls, and bike marking from the police. Pumpkin soup was also served, made from pumpkins which would have otherwise gone to waste.

The non-profit café educates customers on how to be sustainable and budget conscious by saving food from landfill.

Great Big Green Week organiser Anna spoke about the need to publicise community groups and projects such as Random Café.

She said: “Some people in the Meriden haven’t even heard about Random Café and don’t know about this amazing place on their doorstep.”

Sold at the event were loofahs which had been grown at the café.

Anna added: “Many of us have no idea about where things we buy in shops come from and many people didn’t even know you could grow loofahs.”

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