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MIGHTY MOUNTAINS: Hospital team to climb Mount Snowdon at night for charity

 Published on: 1st May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Hemel Hempstead resident is taking on a daring climb to raise money for charity.

Darryl Harber, along with six of his colleagues from a facilities team at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, will take on the Snowdon Night Walk on Saturday, June 8. The money raised will go towards West Hertfordshire Hospitals Charity (WHHC) and will be used to purchase new wheelchairs for St Albans City Hospital, as well as to refurbish the children’s waiting area in the urgent treatment centre at Hemel Hempstead Hospital.

Speaking to HEMELnews, Darryl said: “We as a team like to do events together and I get on well with the WHHC team, so I thought I would combine the two. I tested it out with my office, and they wanted to do it for a good cause – and team bonding!”

Darryl has climbed Mount Snowdon before, but never at night. Despite the group’s lack of experience, Darryl said that they needed very little convincing to take part, and the response from the rest of the staff at the trust has been amazing.

Darryl continued: “Sponsorship would be great and it’s all going to a good cause. For a lot of us, it is out of our comfort zone, but the kind words have been helpful and motivating.”

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1 Comment

  1. Sanjeevi Carron June 7th, 2024, 11:37 pm

    Wish you all the best for Snowdon Night Walk .

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