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RUGBY ROUNDUP: Huel Tring Rugby Club reflect on rollercoaster of a season

 Published on: 1st May 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

This month, TRINGnews spoke to Huel Tring Rugby Club as they reflected on a successful season.

As the rugby season comes to a close, with just a few post-league cup games still to play, the team has seen a rollercoaster of a season.

The 1s had a bumpy season, with a win-one lose-one record during the first half of the season, a mid-season slump of four losses on the bounce, followed by four superb wins. This has left the club at a creditable eighth in the Regional 1 South East League.

A spokesperson for the club said: “Don’t forget, this is a high level of rugby against some very competitive and skilled opposition. Amazingly, 15 of our matchday squad of 18 came through the Minis and Juniors, which demonstrates great loyalty and team ethos.”

The 2s had a similar ride, coming seventh in their 12-strong league, but lent great support to the 1s as injuries took their toll.

The spokesperson added: “The end of the season is a chance to say thanks to our players, supporters, coaches, volunteers, parents, staff, referees and committee, plus our generous sponsors.”

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