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MARVELLOUS MILKMAN: St Albans locals raise thousands of pounds for retiring milkman

 Published on: 13th August 2023   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

After a local milkman was made redundant when his milk float broke down, St Albans residents have banded together and raised £15,000 for his retirement.

Michael ‘Mick’ Tutton MBE first became an apprentice milkman at the age of 16. For the last 47 years, Mick has provided milk, companionship and memories to the people of St Albans.

Earlier this year, his milk float broke down. With parts being difficult to source, he was forced to retire.

Mick told St Albans News: “My dad got me the job initially. Then the longer I worked, the more friends I made. They all mean the world to me now. I can’t put it into words, but they live your life with you. It’s a comfort blanket feeling; you don’t notice until after it has gone.”

Kate Crick and the residents of St Michaels decided to work together and hold a day of celebration at the Portland Arms in St Albans to surprise Mick on Tuesday, July 8. More than 150 people from the area and beyond came to celebrate Mick.

Mick said: “It was overwhelming, and it was really humbling, Kate said it was just her road and the one next to it, but it ended up being 28 streets worth of people all there for me. Friends and family whom I’d served for years, it was very emotional and a fantastic memory.”

Kate said: “We’ve lived in St Michaels and had Mick delivering our milk for more than 45 years. He’s just a great guy; he knows everyone and even remembers all the children from the streets he’s worked in who are now in their 40s.”

Mick has never learned to drive, but that has never stopped him. Kate told St Albans News that Mick would walk or get the bus from Welwyn to St Albans, just to pick up the milk float and deliver milk to his loyal customers.

Kate said: “If there was a baby born, he would leave a gift on their doorstep. Someone’s birthday? He’d leave a treat for them. He’s been to more funerals than any of us will ever go to, and he makes his way there whether it’s to Garston, Harpenden, or wherever it is.”

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