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MARVELLOUS MARKET: St Albans Charter market recognised with prestigious national award

 Published on: 28th February 2024   |   By: Panayiota Demosthenous   |   Category: Uncategorized

St Albans Charter Market has been named the Best Large Outdoor Market in Britain at the Great British Market Awards 2024.

Councillor Jacqui Taylor, market manager James Ó Nuanáin, and market officers Charlotte Graham and Geeta Rebaudengo accepted the trophy on behalf of St Albans City & District Council at the National Association of British Market Authorities annual conference in Birmingham in January.

Cllr Taylor said: “This is a fantastic achievement by all those who have supported our wonderful Charter Market. I thank all those who made it possible – our fabulous traders, our markets team and, of course, the many thousands of residents who live, work and shop here.”

The judges said: “This is a Charter Market with some 130-plus stalls that dates to the 9th century. It is in a traditional setting and is a major visitor attraction, bringing its city centre alive.

“Management has a vision and a 10-year strategy that includes a forum with traders, residents and businesses; plans to expand the market area; and liaison with colleges and enterprise schemes to attract traders for the future.”

Photo credit: St Albans City & District Council

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