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‘LOVELY ATMOSPHERE’: Revellers head to Croxley for a day of fairground fun (VIDEO)

 Published on: 25th June 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

Revels on the Green returned to Croxley on Saturday, June 22, offering a combination of fairground favourites and a handful of events rather more particular to Croxley.

Children and adults alike were spotted smashing crockery, sponging unlucky victims, and enjoying pieces of cake.

Members of Harefield Gymnastics vaulted over each other at their annual display in the central arena, while black belt demonstrators smashed their way through tiles using their bare hands.

In true Croxley style, the village’s four state primary schools fielded teams of push ball enthusiasts in the hope of being crowned the 2024 victors. The teams were challenged to push the enormous inflatable ball all the way to their opponent’s side of the stage, in a fierce battle that left many young athletes panting.

In the end, it was Little Green Junior School that came out victorious, with the school’s PE teacher left looking more than a little chuffed at the result.

Leader of Three Rivers District Council councillor Raj Khiroya was called upon to hand out the year’s prizes. Cllr Khiroya awarded the title of Best Stall to St Bede’s Church whose stand assumed the style of a mid-century0style tearoom, while the award for the Most Original Stall went to the Croxley Green Scouts. The award for the Best Stall for Young People was a tie, split between the Croxley Green Girl Guides and the Tae-Kwondo stall run by Rickmansworth’s Justin Kirman.

Councillor Chris Mitchell, the member of the Revels committee tasked with organising the central arena, said: “It was a lovely family atmosphere, with everyone smiling and enjoying the day.”

According to members of the Croxley Green History Project, a version of Croxley Revels has taken place in the form of a Mayday event on the Green since before the First World War. After the war, it is believed that the event was rekindled into its current form. Nobody knows quite when the Push Ball competition started!

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