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LAYING DOWN ROOTS: Leavesden nursery children help plant trees

 Published on: 27th April 2020   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

Children from a nursery enjoyed planting trees with Three Rivers council staff in a local park, just prior to the restrictions due to COVID-19.  

Three Rivers Trees and Landscape and Grounds Maintenance services plus children from the Charters Day Nursery, which is based in Leavesden Country Park, were out earlier this Spring planting trees at Leavesden Country Park in support of the Council’s policy of planting more trees.

The planting will help restore original woodland, improve natural habitats that provide carbon capture by absorbing carbon dioxide, and bring much-needed health and wellbeing benefits to communities and visitors.

Angela Borges, tree and landscape officer, said: “We appreciate all the support we get, these children were brilliant. We would like to thank the nursery for being involved, we are planning to plant more trees when we can get back to work outside.”

Cllr Phil Williams, lead member for environmental services and sustainability, added: “Now more than ever, we need to keep expanding our tree cover if we are to adapt to future climate change. Trees and woods in the right place bring us a multitude of health and wellbeing benefits. We continue to see their value and acknowledge the vital role they play in helping us to reach zero emissions.” 

All the children who took part were given a ‘medal’ made from a small slice of pruned branch and hand-painted by Angela.

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