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KAYAK KINDNESS: Resident rescues St Albans marathon runners from floods with the help of his kayak 

 Published on: 6th October 2020   |   By: Holly Bullen   |   Category: Uncategorized

A local postman came to the rescue to assist St Albans marathon runners through the floods on Sunday.

Mike Izzard, also known as Nast Hyde Hall Mike, took to his kayak and helped around 30 people get across the flooded Alban Way near Smallford station.

Thousands took part in the virtual London Marathon event and Mike was not going to let flooding stop the runners from achieving their goal.

Mike said that the Smallford station area has always had a problem with flooding, but this was the worst he had seen it.

He said: “I have never seen it so bad in the 10 years I have been going down there, there was not going to be a problem with getting my boat to float.

“I knew this was going to create issues with the virtual London marathon so I put a quick post out to warn people that they would have to reroute.

“On Sunday morning I got up and had a brainwave that it would be a wonderful idea to take my kayak down there.”

Mike said it was a “case of being in the right place at the right time” and he was happy to rescue the runners from damp feet.

He said: “I was offering a free ferry service to dry land and everyone was most grateful of the toll-free trip across on the kayak.

“It was all done in good humour and it was lovely to be able to help and lift people’s spirits.”

Mike said this will be something he will not forget in the midst of a bizarre year.

He said: “We had great weather this summer and who would have thought that the at the end of the summer someone would be kayaking down the Alban Way.”

Picture credit: Oliver Cassidy

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