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HELP OUT: Abbots Langley Tough Ten charity calls on community for more support

 Published on: 23rd April 2023   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

The Abbots Langley Tough Ten Committee is in need of more support.

The committee meet once a month and this month enjoyed their first non-Zoom meeting since March 2020.  Once September arrives, ahead of the annual Tough Ten race in October, there is a weekly meeting and a minutes secretary would be invaluable. A schools liaison person, to promote the race to schools and encourage them to enter runners and raise sponsorship, is a task that has been absorbed by other members but it would make a vast difference if more effort was spent on it.

The committee would like somebody to deal with the banners promoting the race. The banners will need to be put up before and taken down after the race. Marshals on the day are always needed and essential.

A committee member said: “There are currently five of us. To put it bluntly, we need more help. The race virtually runs itself, from opening the entries, to ordering race numbers, trophies and medals and timing the runners.  That’s the easy part.  It is the promotion and community involvement that keeps the Tough Ten one of the most important annual events in the village. It is still a village event. We want to keep it that way but without help, we may lose it for good.”

If you do not want to join the committee but would like to offer assistance, however small, please email There are many ways you can be involved.

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