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HELP CHARITY: Support Hemel Hempstead food bank by donating at Berkhamsted Tesco Metro and Waitrose 

 Published on: 27th March 2020   |   By: Amneet Kaur   |   Category: Uncategorized

A charity that helps homeless people in Dacorum is asking for help during the coronavirus outbreak.

Charity DENS, based in Hemel Hempstead, is appealing to the public to help them keep its food bank open during this pandemic and residents can donate at the food bank crates after the checkouts at Berkhamsted’s Waitrose and Tesco Metro branches.

The charity stated the virus is having a massive impact on their income as they also had to cancel the Hillbuster and Sponsored Walk events and they are unsure of what will happen to future events scheduled.

DENS has now closed the day centre to the public. The food bank remains open and continues to provide emergency food.

The organisation is running low on some of the products most requested lately. These are items like UHT milk, canned soup, tinned meat, tinned fish and long-life pudding.

Other donation points are Tesco Extra Hemel, Tesco Tring, Sainsburys Apsley Mills, Sainsbury’s Woodhall Farm.

Donations can also be left at the back of the foodbank between 10am and 1pm.

The charity is only accepting food and not any other household good, this will be until further notice.

If you have any enquiries please email

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