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‘HEARTFELT PLEA’: Customer gives much-needed boost to owner of beloved shop in Radlett

 Published on: 6th July 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

A shopowner in Radlett was moved to find that a friend had shared a “heartfelt plea” to encourage residents to visit his store.

Over the 17 years that Mark has run his clothes shop, Injeanious, Chris Benson has become both a loyal customer and a friend. Popping into the shop one day, Chris asked after the health of Mark’s wife.

Chris was taken aback to hear that Natalie has both multiple sclerosis and central nervous system vasculitis. Mark explained that a specialist had recommended stem cell treatment, something that is not available on the NHS for non-cancer patients. The couple managed to scrape together the funds to afford private treatment.

Now in recovery, Natalie is wheelchair-bound and so weak that the couple have had to take on carers while Mark mans the shop. Meanwhile, business at Injeanious is tough – something that the father-of-two attributes to both the national economic climate and unpredictable weather.

A few hours after their impromptu conversation, Chris took to Facebook to urge fellow residents to support Mark and his family.

He wrote: “I want to share a heartfelt plea for our dear neighbour, Mark, who has been running his beloved clothing shop, Injeanious, in our village for many years. I’ve personally shopped there for over 15 years and can vouch for the quality and care Mark puts into his business.

“Recently, Mark’s wife has been facing serious health issues that require expensive private treatment for the best chance of recovery. Mark is too proud to ask for charity, but I know we can come together as a village to support him in another way – by shopping at Injeanious.”

Chris’ post accrued more than 250 likes and comments on the Radlett Village Facebook page.

“I just really appreciate Chris doing this,” Mark told RADLETTnews. “I don’t know if anything will come of it, but I’m so grateful that he made the effort.”

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