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ACCESS FOR ALL: Major step towards accessibility improvements at Bushey train station

 Published on: 6th July 2024   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

Funding from the government’s Access for All programme has been awarded for a feasibility study into step-free access improvements at Bushey Station.

If the study is successful, the station will then be made more accessible and adapted for passengers with disabilities and mobility issues, as well as families with children in pushchairs.

In April 2022, Elected Mayor of Watford Peter Taylor, portfolio holder for transport and sustainability councillor Ian Stotesbury, and Oxhey Ward councillors submitted a business case to Network Rail. Despite delays, Bushey has now been selected for the feasibility study.

Cllr Stotesbury, who is also the Lib Dem candidate for MP for Watford, said: “Ensuring access to public transport is vital for reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion. We are so pleased with this decision and urge a prompt start to the study.”

Oliver Dowden CBE, the Conservative candidate for Hertsmere, said: “Delighted to have secured Access for All funding for Bushey. This is something that I have campaigned tirelessly for, and I am pleased to have delivered this for concerned residents.”

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