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GLOW-UP: ‘Persistence pays off’ as Garston underpass gets new lease of life

 Published on: 11th January 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

The underpass from Bucknalls Lane to High Elms Lane in Garston has undergone a long-overdue deep clean and repair job, thanks to Hertfordshire county councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst.

Drainage channels and retaining boards have been fixed, graffiti removed, lights repaired, and both sets of steps on either side of the A405 fitted with new surfacing and grips.

Cllr Giles-Medhurst explained that the issues have been ongoing for six months.

He added: “This is a situation where persistence has certainly paid off. The underpass is used by many people every day, including school pupils from St Michael’s and Parmiter’s schools. It is right that they have a clean and safe route.”

In the coming weeks, it is expected that the entrance to Leavesden Country Park will also receive a glow-up.

Photo Credit: Stephen Giles-Medhurst

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