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FOOD FOR ALL: Food bank in Garston aims to encourage residents to cook fresh meals

 Published on: 4th February 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

This month, GARSTONnews spoke to – Food for All – Meriden Food Bank to hear about the great work they do which sets them apart from other charities.

Annalisa Molteni is a team leader volunteer at the food bank which places an emphasis on providing fresh fruit and vegetables and not just tinned food. She said:

“We encourage people to learn to cook themselves using fresh ingredients.”

The majority of the bank’s food is vegan/vegetarian. Each Friday the food bank also supplies nutritious meals and cakes prepared by the cooking and baking team who volunteers three days a week for different projects.

The foodbank operates every Friday from 10 to 11am, but residents often queue up from 9.15am. The bank tries its best to accommodate residents’ schedules so collections and deliveries can be arranged. The bank is entirely volunteer run. Annalisa said:

“Some of our volunteers give up a working day to help at the food bank while some companies sacrifice time to help.

“Stanborough Church pastors and members also support the bank. That said, the bank welcomes people of all religions and ethnicities – we’re very multicultural

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