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FLOWER POWER: Daffodils survive adverse weather conditions ahead of Sarratt Spring Show

 Published on: 30th April 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

Despite months of rain and an oddly mild winter, Sarratt residents turned out in their hundreds for the annual Spring Horticultural Show on what was billed “the hottest day of the year”.

According to Sarratt Horticultural Society committee member Ian McClelland, this year’s unseasonably warm winter had encouraged daffodils to flower early. Yet on April 6, Ian was surprised to see a “remarkably high-quality” of flowers undeterred by the “armies of slugs” seen patrolling this year’s flowerbeds.

The most colourful display of blooms was credited to Stephen Booth, whilst Simon Harrett was crowned victor for his outdoor and indoor flowers and Kate Soothill named the queen of Vegetable and Produce.

Within the arts and crafts, Ted North, Philip Buller and Philip Beausire were lauded for their work, whilst Jenny Roberts and Jenny Peiser were praised for their Floral Art.

Lastly, The Merle Liddy Trophy for Novice entrants was won by Margaret Brown and the overall trophy for most points across the show awarded to Stephen Booth.

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