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FIGURES REVEALED: New stats show Pinner fifth most dangerous place in the borough

 Published on: 10th November 2019   |   By: News Desk   |   Category: Uncategorized

Crime stats in 2019 to date show Pinner to be the fifth most dangerous place in Harrow.

As the year comes to an end the huge number of crimes shows where in the borough violence is most likely.

Between January 1 and October 1, a total of 12,782 crimes were recorded in the Harrow area by the Met Police.

In Pinner 633 have been recorded in that time.

One of most serious crimes, categorised as violence against another person, is the most reported crime type in Harrow with 3,552 instances, followed by 2,657 cases of theft.

Pinner was fifth highest for these type of crimes with only Harrow on the Hill, Harrow Weald, Roxeth and Canons having more.

The worrying stats are underlined by the jailing of Alexander Stephen Gunn for the murder of a Pinner shopkeeper earlier this year.

A resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “Pinner is in my opinion one of the safer areas in the borough but unfortunately we have had some really serious crime this year.

“There will always be crime but as a community everyone has a part to play in reducing the amount we are seeing. Whether it is parents, teachers, friends or family we can all help others stay out of trouble.”

The Met Police was contacted for comment by PinnerNews but are yet to respond to the statistics.

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