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‘EXTRAORDINARY’: Girlguiding Leader from Radlett commended for 50 years of service

 Published on: 20th May 2024   |   By: Sophia Sheera   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Brownie Leader who worked with Girlguiding in Radlett for 48 years recently attended an awards ceremony in Devon to celebrate 50 years of dedication to the Guides.

Karen Clout’s involvement in Radlett Girlguiding ranged from taking hundreds of local girls on camps, to organising the construction of Radlett’s Guide Hut on Scrubbitts Park Road. After almost half a century of Guiding in Radlett, Karen has spent the last two years leading Guides in Devon.

Radlett’s District Commissioner Catherine Bilsborough said: “Karen was Girlguiding Radlett’s first District Commissioner and she was also a mentor to many new leaders over the years.

“But what Karen should be credited for most is her sheer enthusiasm and encouragement for everyone to be their best self. So many girls will remember Karen as the leader who always got involved herself, whether it was in sliding down the highest slide or paddling in the river at Bricket Wood.”

Despite moving to Devon two years ago, Karen is still very involved with planning special events ahead of the Brownie centenary this year.

Karen’s daughters Louise and Gail said: “We’ve grown up with mum Guiding; it was normal for her to be out once a week running meetings and doing holidays and activity days on weekends. It’s only as parents ourselves that we’ve realised just how extraordinary she is to juggle a family and Guiding.”

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