A letter seen by ChalfontsNews between Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) and Dame Cheryl Gillan MP agree there is a parking issue in Elizabeth Avenue, Little Chalfont, and believe a review should be taken.
BCC cabinet member for transportation, councillor Mark Shaw agreed with resident Michael Patterson, who instigated the letters, that the stretch of road between Kiln Lane and Sandycroft Road by the shops is an issue, in September.
The council’s parking team has recommended that Little Chalfont Parish Council should conduct a parking review of the whole road.
In the letter, cllr Shaw said: “I appreciate that it can be very frustrating for local residents living with the impact of parking by commuters. The formal legal process for introducing new parking controls has many steps and does take considerable time.
“The legal process is designed to carefully balance the need of residents and businesses and to give everyone the opportunity to comment or object before changes are made to parking controls.”
Cllr Shaw added: “Although a permanent solution to the parking difficulties is not guaranteed, and may be some time off, the police do retain powers to enforce action against dangerous and obstructive parking.
“If Mr Patterson witnesses any such incidents, then he may wish to report these immediately to police.”
Do you agree there’s a parking issue? Email your thoughts to Alex at newshub@mynewsmag.co.uk