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BLONDE FEATHERS: Rare penguin named after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s newborn son

 Published on: 6th May 2020   |   By: Geraint Roberts   |   Category: Uncategorized

A rare penguin chick at a zoo in Bedfordshire, which will grow up to sport a head of blonde feathers has been named after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s newborn son, Wilfred.

Zookeepers at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo were delighted when the tiny rockhopper penguin chick hatched last weekend.

The sex of the chick remains unknown, as penguins can only be differentiated with a DNA test.

Jamie Graham, team leader of birds at the UK’s largest zoo said: “As a rule, I don’t name the birds at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, but the arrival of our yellow-haired chick so close to the birth of the son of the UK’s famous blonde Prime Minister was too much of a coincidence to pass up.”

The Prime Minster’s son was born at the end of April healthy and well despite concerns following his ill-health in April after suffering in intensive care with coronavirus.

The newborn is only the third baby born to a serving prime minister in living memory.

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