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Editor-in-chief at eleven years old

 Published on: 5th July 2018   |   By: Tim Green   |   Category: Uncategorized

A budding journalist from a school in Northwood got the chance to live his dream earlier this month when he was appointed editor-in-chief of a page in national children’s newspaper First News.

Sohan Desai, 11, from St. Martin’s School , entered The Guild of Food Writers Write It young food writer of the year competition and won the 11-14 age category with his story Delectable Diwali.

As part of his prize, he was given the opportunity to see his winning story in print and to be Editor-in-Chief of his own page in First News.

Year 6 Sohan Desai (in the 11-14 years category) has been awarded prizes for his fantastic written work, showcasing food and celebration.

Sohan got some money-can’t-buy editorial experience at First News, as well and saw his work published in the title. He also received a stack of cook books and Pink Lady® apples for his school.

Then last month, the lucky winners also attended a lunch in London’s Borough Market Cook House  hosted by the Guild of Food Writers, where they met the judges including, Stefan Gates and Martha Collison, who selected their entries for the main prizes.

Sohan explained his inspiration for the winning story.

He commented: “As soon as we talked about writing a description piece around the theme of Food and Celebration in our English lesson I knew I would write about Diwali.  The colours, smells and tastes are all so vivid and interesting to describe.  My family celebrates Diwali every year and food, family and fireworks are all an important part of the day.

“I was really surprised and pleased when I found out that I had been shortlisted for the Guild of Food Writers Write It competition in the 11-14 year old category during half term but it was even more exciting  when Mrs Flynn told me I had won.”

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