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DRIVE IT HOME: MP meets with housing developer over future of Kytes Drive in Garston

 Published on: 6th February 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

Dean Russell, MP for Watford, has raised residents’ concerns over the redevelopment of Kytes Drive in Garston.

Mr Russell MP recently met with Sarah Jones, the chief executive of Anchor, a housing provider proposing to demolish the 44 bungalows on the estate and create 146 dwellings.

Both Sarah and the MP agreed to advocate for an agreement with the council over nomination rights. This measure aims to safeguard the diverse needs of the community and to promote inclusivity in the new housing development.

Mr Rusell MP said: “This [the agreement] would ensure that the Kytes Estate regeneration project will provide purpose-built and well-maintained accommodation for people over the age of 55, those with disabilities, veterans and their families.”

Sarah said: “We are pursuing a sensitive local authority lettings agreement that prioritises future lettings on a redeveloped Kytes Drive estate for disabled and veteran housing needs. This will be linked to any planning approval and ensure increased provision of specialist housing for the local community.”

Kytes Drive resident Bob Sparkes appreciates the MP’s efforts, but remains disappointed.

He said: “Whilst it sounds good, it’s nowhere near good enough.

“They want to build a larger number of cottages and think that if a disabled person lived in one, that the disabled wheelchair user would stay downstairs whilst the rest of the family lived upstairs. This is appalling.

“I must, however, congratulate Dean Russell MP on at least trying very hard on our behalf as he seems to be the only local politician doing so.”

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