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DOORSTEP SANTA: Abbots Langley resident collects unwanted toys to donate to children in hospital

 Published on: 8th June 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

Abbot’s Langley’s ‘doorstep Santa’ has been collecting residents’ unwanted toys to donate to a children’s ward in Watford General Hospital.

Come Christmas, Dean Courtney transforms into doorstep Santa and visits local homes, surprising children with gifts and spreading the joy of the festive season. Last year, Dean was also involved in organising a Christmas party for children in the Starfish Ward at Watford General Hospital.

Inspired by this experience, Dean decided to collect unwanted toys for children on the ward.

Speaking to ABBOTSnews, Dean said: “Lots of people want to help but don’t have the time, so I made my house the collection point for people to drop off toys and then I took them to the ward. In just 48 hours, so much had been donated.

“Seeing children on the ward is just heartbreaking. We all think we have problems, then you see children who are unwell and suffering – what has a child ever done to deserve that?

“It’s so rewarding to help in any way that I can.”

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1 Comment

  1. Carol Young June 18th, 2024, 1:32 pm

    They were very good on General news from Hemel

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