This historical photo is of an artefact found by a Croxley resident in his garden, which was given to the Croxley Green History Project for safekeeping.
It’s an old Croxley Co-Op token, worth a two-pound loaf of bread. All Co-operative Retail Societies used tokens from the 1900s as they were more secure than leaving cash out for the milk, bread, coal and other goods that some societies delivered.
The member would pay the delivery man for a number of tokens, or would settle up after using so many tokens, left out on the doorstep.
They fell out of use after the 50s but some societies continued to use them into the 70s and a few into the 80s.
Do you have any historical souvenirs of Croxley’s past? If so, feel free to send us pictures of them to and they could feature in a future edition of the magazine.