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DO YOU REMEMBER: A Chorleywood girl makes an impression on a famous prime minister

 Published on: 16th August 2022   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

This month’s historical photo depicts one of the country’s most infamous political leaders meeting a girl from a place that is now part of the village’s history.

Margaret Thatcher’s 11-year run as Prime Minister divided many, some saw her as a saviour whilst others declared she was the exact opposite. Despite the turmoil of the 1980s, the Iron Lady did also take the time to celebrate some special occasions.

Here, she is seen at a special reception for the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB), having a geranium day flag pinned onto her suit. The girl pinning the badge was Miss Lyndall Rook, a student at the Chorleywood School for the Blind.

The now-closed specialist school was located inside Cedars Manor House from 1921 to 1987, with the site now being the location of a retirement community.

Do you have any photo memories of political visits to the village? Or of Cedars House? Or the School for the Blind? If so, send them in and any others to , and they might feature in the future.

Photo Credit: Aubrey Hart/Evening Standard/Shutterstock

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