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DIGNITY IN DYING: Bushey resident campaigns for change in the law following partner’s death

 Published on: 11th April 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

A Bushey resident who is now the leader of Hertfordshire’s Dignity in Dying group is using his experiences to encourage a change in the law.

Eric Angus joined the Hertfordshire branch of the charity following the death of his partner, Laura.

Laura suffered “horrendous pain” after being diagnosed with lung cancer, which spread to her liver and bones.

Eric said: “The palliative care team were superb and did everything they could, but I’m afraid to say that the received wisdom that morphine can ease all pain for everyone is a myth.”

Laura ended up in a coma before passing away. Eric believes that anyone who had been through this experience would support the legal right to die.

He said: “We put animals out of their misery, so why shouldn’t humans be allowed the same?”

Eric says the Dignity in Dying charity is campaigning for a ‘conservative’ change in the law. This would see somebody who has been diagnosed by two medical professionals as terminally ill, with a prognosis of six months, given the choice to end their own life. The person would have to be mentally competent and it would have to be signed off by a high court judge.

Eric spearheaded the charity’s focus lobbying week from March 11 to 15 and has been contacting MPs, including meeting personally with Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden CBE, MP for Hertsmere.

Eric added: “What Laura went through was like a horror film. I hope that I can bring that experience to bear by changing minds and helping others.”

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