Hemel Hempstead residents will have to pay for their garden waste collections in 2023.
Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) has stated that they can no longer offer the service for free due to “financial pressures”, so residents will have to pay an annual fee of £45 per wheeled bin and the same for all additional green-lid bins.
The subscription charge will go towards the cost of delivering the service.
Councillor Graham Barrett, DBC’s portfolio holder for neighbourhood services, said: “Local authorities across the country are facing immense pressure to provide essential and statutory services, and any increase in council tax will be put towards these services. As a discretionary service, it is essential to make the garden waste collection self-financing, to help protect our essential and statutory services.”
If you do not wish to pay for the collection, you can compost your waste at home or take it to a recycling centre.
Residents can register for the paid subscription service from January 2023 at bit.ly/3tDC5uD