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CHORLEYWOOD COMMONERS: Councillor founds new rugby seven team to represent village

 Published on: 4th July 2024   |   By: Bryn Holmes   |   Category: Uncategorized

Chorleywood’s newest sports team, a rugby seven team, has now started training on the Common.

The team was founded by local councillor Ciarán Reed following discussions at a New Year’s Eve party in Chorleywood.

Speaking to Chorleywood News, cllr Reed said: “I had been invited to take part in a sevens tournament in Aberystwyth by a school friend.

“However, it clashed with work commitments, so it got me wondering if I could organise something myself for my own tournament.

“I started chatting to my friends who know each other through going to Christ Church Chorleywood School and found that there was interest.”

After deciding to practice on Chorleywood Common, the team decided to name themselves Chorleywood Commoners.

The team has continued to grow and is now joined by those who play rugby regularly, and even someone who used to be on a national talent pathway for England.

With their new kit sponsored and provided by Rickmansworth-based glasses factory Lensology, the squad’s first competitive matches will be at the Social Competition at the London International Tournament later this month.

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