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BRICKING IT: Man who harassed St Albans neighbour sent to prison

 Published on: 9th May 2024   |   By: News Bulletin   |   Category: Uncategorized

A St Albans man has been sentenced to 13 weeks’ imprisonment after throwing bricks through his neighbour’s window and constantly harassing her.

Mounir Zakhama, 59, previously from the Park Street area, pleaded guilty to putting a person in fear of violence by harassment. St Albans Crown Court heard that between August 28, 2023, and September 21, 2023, Zakhama threw bricks through his neighbours’ window, continuously banged on her walls, revved his car engine outside her window and continuously shouted abuse and threatened her.

He was also sentenced for assaulting PC Clare Lapenna on arrest and criminal damage to police van on September 21, 2023.   He also pleaded guilty to a public order offence where he was abusive to a landlady on September 18, 2023.

On a separate matter, also dealt with at crown court on April 29, 2024, he admitted damaging some building works and stealing builders’ sandbags on September 16, 2023.

He was sentenced to 13 weeks’ imprisonment, which he served between September and December 2023, for putting a person in fear of violence by harassment. He was ordered to pay £300 to the harassment victim, £50 compensation to PC Lapenna and £50 to a third party. A restraining order is already in place until March 4, 2034, which means he must not contact the victim directly or indirectly or enter the address in Park Street.

PC Lapenna said: “Zakhama’s neighbour was constantly being harassed – things quickly escalated when Zakhama started throwing bricks though her window, which could have seriously injured her.  His actions were dangerous and she was fearful of what he would do next. We arrested him and he was remanded in custody until December as the Crown Prosecution Service felt that there were no bail conditions that could adequately protect the victim and they were convinced he would commit further offences.

“No-one should have to put up with constant harassment or feel fearful of going home. We worked with the estate agent, private landlady, victim support and St Albans City and District Council to quickly resolve this dispute.  Zakhama has not only had time to think about his behaviour in prison but has been given a restraining order for 10 years and he now resides in Bedfordshire. If he breaches this order, he will be sent back to prison.  The victim feels reassured that he got justice for the distress he caused her.

“If you are experiencing a neighbourhood dispute, contact us and we will do everything within our power, including working with the district council and housing associations to evict offenders.”

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