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BREAKING: Women charged with murder allegedly arranged to meet Bushey victim for sex (VIDEO)

 Published on: 7th July 2022   |   By: Court Reporter   |   Category: Uncategorized

A man was murdered in his own flat after being set up in a “honeytrap” by three young women, a jury heard today (Thursday, July 7).

Vishal Gohel, 44, had been promised a sexual liaison with the women that never happened, it was alleged.

He ended up gagged and beaten, suffering fatal head injuries and a fractured voice box after three male accomplices burst into the flat in Bushey High Street near Watford, St Albans Crown Court was told.

The next evening a neighbour found Mr Gohel’s lifeless body on the floor of his bedroom. He was fully clothed and gaffer tape was found on the lower part of his face, St Albans Crown Court heard.

Six defendants deny murder and manslaughter on January 23 this year. They also deny conspiracy to rob on or before  January 23.

The three male defendants are:

Tevin Leslie, 21, of Hurst Street, Brixton, London Sakeen Gordon, 20, of Uxbridge Road, Ealing Brandon Browne, 21, of Laburnham Road, Rochester, Kent.

The three female defendants are:

Tiana Edwards Hancock, 18, of Fresh Wharf Road, Barking, Yarley Georgia Bruce-Annan, 20, of Harts Lane in Barking and Faith Hoppie, 21, of Blake Avenue, Barking.

Prosecutor Charlotte Newell QC said: “The female defendants created a honeytrap. They promised him a sexual liaison that never happened.

“It allowed them to give entry to the three male defendants so they could burst in and take Vishal Gohel unawares and steal property from him.”

The prosecutor said a post mortem examination showed Mr Gohel had suffered severe blows to his head with internal bruising to his scalp, eyes and jaw. He also suffered brain damage.

“His voice was fractured consistent with prolonged forceful squeezing of the neck,” said Ms Newell.

She said efforts had been made to clean up the flat and an iPhone and an iWatch had been taken.

The trial continues.

It is due to last for eight weeks.

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