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7.5 MILLION VIEWS: Resident goes viral after calling out ‘blunt and thoughtless’ sexism

 Published on: 20th May 2024   |   By: Annabel Stock   |   Category: Uncategorized

An Abbots Langley resident has gone viral after calling out sexism in the tech industry.

Jen Stirrup is the founder and CEO of Data Relish, a UK-based AI and business intelligence consultancy whose clients include Microsoft, the NHS and the UK government.

Jen was flabbergasted to find that one of her posts on social media site X had gone viral, gaining 72,000 likes and 7.5 million views. The post had called out the inappropriateness of a man wearing a top depicting a naked woman’s torso at an AI event in San Francisco.

Posting on X, Jen said: “As a woman in tech, I don’t want to be working in a professional working environment where T-shirts like this are allowed. There are no women in this room at all.

“Spaces where women are welcomed are being reduced so much, it’s hard to accept.

“Misogyny is often blunt and thoughtless as well as directly offensive. It shows up when people don’t take women as seriously as men. So we are reduced to our bodies and sexual utility, again and again.”

Many other users were quick to echo Jen’s thoughts and question why the attendee was allowed to dress in this fashion.

Jen is set to release her fourth book on AI in April and won an award last year for her work with Ford on a new electric car.

She says data is in the family as her great uncle, James Hannah, worked with women at Bletchley Park to crack the German Enigma code during the Second World War.

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